Learning to code – Week 4 – GitHub

I’m horribly late on the program! Actually the formula I had subscribed to wasn’t really rich with exercises, and apparently a lot of people complained, so the team at Simplon decided to provide us with a lot more exercises, upgrading us to a much more practical program automatically. Good news, but 4 weeks of exercises to catch up on!

So basically this is what I’ve been trying to do, catching up, and that’s not easy, since I’m working as well, by the way…🙂

So week 4 was still focused on HTML & CSS, learning new stuff (and winning badges on Codecademy)🙂

I also had to create a profile for myself on GitHub, with each week’s exercices pushed into dedicated repositories, so that’s a nice thing done:


Momcoding Github Profile
Momcoding Github Profile

However I have to admit I’m not really comfortable with Git yet. We’re supposed to use Code9 for editing and pushing our commits to GitHub from there. However I’m cheating a little bit and using the graphic interface of GitHub that I find much easier…

Another new thing in week 4 was Ruby: a couple of resources to watch / read to start getting acquainted with this language. Wow! The tutorials seemed simple, but I did not really get it… 🙁 … yet …


Next article: Learning to code – Week 5 – HTML, CSS & Ruby

(This article was originally published on the blog Momslearningtocode.com, now closed).

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