Innovation digitale au Liban : introduction

Liban digital

Le Liban est un tout nouveau venu sur la scène high-tech internationale : son premier fonds d’investissement, initié par la Banque Centrale du pays, y a vu le jour en 2008, et les success-stories entrepreneuriales s’y comptent encore sur les doigts de la main. Pourtant, l’ancienne Suisse du Moyen-Orient, frontalière de la Silicon Wadi israélienne, ne … Lire la suite

Innovation digitale au Liban : interview Joseph El Khoury, Dash Tag / Keefak

Le Liban est un tout nouveau venu sur la scène high-tech internationale : son premier fonds d’investissement y a vu le jour en 2008, et les success stories entrepreneuriales s’y comptent encore sur les doigts de la main.

Pourtant, l’ancienne Suisse du Moyen-Orient, frontalière de la Silicon Wadi israélienne, ne manque pas d’atouts pour émerger à l’échelle régionale des pays arabes, voire internationale. Quels sont-ils, et quel intérêt présentent-ils également pour les entrepreneurs et investisseurs étrangers ?

J’ai eu l’occasion d’interviewer 4 acteurs de cet écosystème émergent, à la fois côté entrepreneurs et côté investisseurs.

Dans cet entretien, nous rencontrons Joseph El Khoury, co-créateur de l’application Keefak, et fondateur de la start-up Dash Tag.


Transcription complète de l’interview:

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Digital Innovation in Sardinia

Sardinia is an Italian island in the middle of the Mediterranean sea, inhabited by 1.6 million humans and 4 million sheep, and separated from Italy by a few hundred kilometers of sea. You may have heard of Sardinia as a haven for luxurious tourism, or as an environmentally-preserved landscape, or for its agriculture and traditional … Lire la suite

Digital Innovation in Sardinia: Interview Nicola Pirina, Digital Champion

Sardinia, in the middle of the Mediterranean sea, is bustling with ideas and passion when it comes to digital innovation. From social and sustainable innovations to the sharing economy, digital school or high-tech medicine, it is worth taking a deeper look at what is going on there and connecting with its players.

I’ve had the opportunity and pleasure to interview 5 of its players in a series dedicated to Digital Innovation in Sardinia.

In this interview, we meet Nicola Pirina, Digital Champion Cagliari & Sardinia, VP Sardegna 2050, innovation strategist and advisor to many start-ups and institutions.


The interview is available in video format below or on YouTube and the full text transcript is below.

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Digital Innovation in Sardinia: Interview Roberto Spano, Sardex

Sardinia, in the middle of the Mediterranean sea, is bustling with ideas and passion when it comes to digital innovation. From social and sustainable innovations to the sharing economy, digital school or high-tech medicine, it is worth taking a deeper look at what is going on there and connecting with its players.

I’ve had the opportunity and pleasure to interview 5 of its players in a series dedicated to Digital Innovation in Sardinia.

In this interview, we meet Roberto Spano, CEO of Sardex, a local currency launched in 2010, now aggregating more than 2000 members with more than 50 Million euros in transactions realised, and one of three pilot projects in Europe on this front.


The interview is available in video format below or on YouTube and the full text transcript is below, translated in English.

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Digital School in Sardinia: Interview Alessandri Patti & Students, Istituto Comprensivo Sestu

Sardinia, in the middle of the Mediterranean sea, is bustling with ideas and passion when it comes to digital innovation. From social and sustainable innovations to the sharing economy, digital school or high-tech medicine, it is worth taking a deeper look at what is going on there and connecting with its players.

I’ve had the opportunity and pleasure to interview 5 of its players in a series dedicated to Digital Innovation in Sardinia.

In this interview, we meet Alessandra Patti, School Director at Istituto Comprensivo Sestu, with 3 of her students, around all the digital initiatives taking place at her school (do-it-yourself interactive boards, Arduino projects, coding workshops…).


The interview is available in video format below or on YouTube and the full text transcript is below, translated in English.

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Digital Innovation in Sardinia: Interview Nicola Siza, Hub/Spoke

Sardinia, in the middle of the Mediterranean sea, is bustling with ideas and passion when it comes to digital innovation. From social and sustainable innovations to the sharing economy, digital school or high-tech medicine, it is worth taking a deeper look at what is going on there and connecting with its players.

I’ve had the opportunity and pleasure to interview 5 of its players in a series dedicated to Digital Innovation in Sardinia.

In this interview, we meet Nicola Siza, founder of Hub/Spoke, a brand new co-working place for start-ups & freelances from Sardinia or abroad, with high ambitions.


The interview is available in video format below or on YouTube and the full text transcript is below.

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Digital Innovation in Sardinia: Interview Monica Mureddu, Sardinia Innovation

Sardinia, in the middle of the Mediterranean sea, is bustling with ideas and passion when it comes to digital innovation. From social and sustainable innovations to the sharing economy, digital school or high-tech medicine, it is worth taking a deeper look at what is going on there and connecting with its players.

I’ve had the opportunity and pleasure to interview 5 of its players in a series dedicated to Digital Innovation in Sardinia.

In this interview, we meet Monica Mureddu, founder of Sardinia Innovation, a website dedicated to sharing innovation initiatives taking place on the island, with a strong focus on social and sustainable innovations.


The interview is available in video format below or on YouTube and the full text transcript, translated in English, is below.

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5 start-ups à suivre: retour de Connec’Sud 2015

Connec’Sud 2015 : 5 start-ups à suivre

Ayant participé comme jurée au Connec’Sud 2015 de Montpellier, j’ai eu l’occasion d’y rencontrer quelques start-ups fort intéressantes qui méritent qu’on s’y attarde quelque peu.

Connec’Sud est d’abord un événement généraliste au service du développement des entreprises régionales, ce n’est pas l’événement emblématique des start-ups de la French Tech Montpelliéraine. Il n’empêche que pas mal de start-ups avaient fait le déplacement, soit en tenant des stands soit en participant à des challenges. En voici une sélection toute personnelle de cinq, avec lesquelles j’ai pu discuter et qui sont sur des marchés à joli potentiel !

  • Snapkin : un outil de mesure et de mise en plan 2D-3D en quelques minutes pour architectes
  • Laoviland Expérience : automatisation créative animée, droit sur le terrain d’Adobe
  • Keetiz : un ambitieux challenger dans la fourmilière du couponing mobile
  • Com 3D : animation 3D pour la communication scientifique et technique
  • Human Responsive par BSWEB : veille concurrentielle pour le retail géolocalisée en temps réel


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Comment intégrer l’innovation en agence de communication?

Comment intégrer l’innovation en agence de communication? Retour sur l’expérience MRM LAB: bilan de 2 ans d’activité (2008-2010) Une agence de communication peut-elle se permettre d’ignorer l’innovation digitale et technologique? Non en théorie, quel que soit son positionnement d’ailleurs, mais dans la pratique, c’est beaucoup plus complexe. Les tendances se faisant et se défaisant à … Lire la suite